Over the past few years, more and more hipsters wouldn’t be caught dead without a trucker hat perched ironically on their heads. A trucker hat is a baseball hat with a cloth or foam front and a breathable plastic mesh back. Originally, these caps were created as giveaways for companies like John Deere who identified with the trucking culture. However, in the early 2000’s, young Hollywood stars like Ashton Kutcher and Justin Timberlake began wearing them as ironic fashion statements. Thus was born a major fashion tread that still survives to this day.
No one at Jason Mills is in the motion picture industry, but we did have a little something to do with making America a little hipper. It turns out that we sell a good deal of the mesh that makes these prized pieces of Americana. Our high-quality headwear mesh is not only attractive and adaptable to many different styles of hat, but it can also be made fire-resistant. Moreover, it’s not just for “the kids”; we also make 100% polyester and nylon mesh for more demanding government applications.
If you’re a fan of trucker hats, then the mesh experts at Jason Mills are glad to have helped make them good-looking, durable and breathable.